Aurora Empire's silly management contract with Imageforu will be over in end of November 2011. Aurora Empire will be free after. Aurora Empire had to stop from acting for nearly 3 years because of Imageforu such a silly management company in UK they didn't know what they were doing. Soon after this contract expire, Aurora Empire will be back on the road. Sorry to keep you waiting.
October 2010 :
November 2011 :
Tackie returned to Amsterdam Netherlands. Starting new Aurora Empire project with new members. 3 new albums recording will start in January 2012.
3 new albums couldn't start recording. Meantime, Tackie is working on remastering all albums released they will be ready in August 2012. Tackie just completed a future instrumental song composed in December 2005 "Galaxy,Galaxy,Galaxy" Demo it will go on Aurora Empire 15th album "Astronomy" and uploaded on our website Audio Clip page.
August 2012 :
Atlantic Ocean Recording Studio will act as a mobile production for a little while until find suitable building for recordings.
All albums released by Aurora Empire and Tackie now finished re-mastering. Anyone who bought those albums and have proven, we will send re-master version via email. Materials will be uploaded on our Audio Clips page shortly.
October 2012 :
Some of re-mastered version from Aurora Empire and Tackie's solo albums are now uploaded to Aurora Empire Official website Audio Clips page.
Worldwide musicians community ''Aurora Empire Musician Bank'' is now published.
Aurora Empire and Mr. Tiger started working on new surprised plan to the world. Details will be appearing soon.
August 2011 :
July 2012 :
February 2013 :
August 2023 :
Tackie released a solo album
December 2023 to August 2024 :
Digital distribution only, Tackie released DEMO versions of Singles EP album by album (Slated for Release on the 4th to 18th of Aurora Empire albums).
January 2024 :
Tackie released " 3 Versions Of Believe In The Mothercorn ".
" Education II - Back to my roots... ".